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Ufocod Aut hor And Tit le Nr A Cop SpecColl PYear Publisher Countr y Lang. Binding AcqYear
Aetherius Society --> see King, George.9999909999Friedrich, Christof --- see Zündel, Erich9999919999Nada-Yolanda (Pauline Sharpe) --- see Mark-Age!9999909999Oliver, Fredrick S: see Phylos, the Tibetan.9999909999Sharpe, Pauline ("Nada-Yolanda") -- see Mark-Age!9999909999Aarsleff, Klaus: För dette.A229711973Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc1996Alexander, Marius: Guía extraterrestre del planeta Tierra.A374811982Fontana Fantástica, BarcelonaSpSpsc2003Alford, Alan F.: Gods of the new millenium. The shattering truth of human origins.A68861BM-068861996he authorUSAEndigital PDF file2009Alvarez Lopez; José: Dioses y robots. Segunda edición.A375011976Editorial Kier, Buenos AiresArgSpsc2003Ancient Astronaut Society: "Come search with us". [Information leaflet].A526711988Ancient Astronaut Society, HighlandUSAEnbooklet2006Ancient Astronaut Society: 10th anniversary world conference. August 6-7, 1983, CA526811983Ancient Astronaut Society, HighlandUSAEnbooklet2006Ancient Astronaut Society: 16th anniversary world conference. August 25, 26, 27, 1A526911989Ancient Astronaut Society, HighlandUSAEnbooklet2006Appel, Michael: Sie waren nie fort. UFO-Phänomene - ernst und heute.A638311982Liber Verlag, MainzGeGehc2008Bergier, Jacques & Gallet, Georges H.: Le livre des anciens astronautes.A532511977Albin Michel, ParisFrFrsc2006Bergier, Jacques: Extraterrestrial visitations from prehistoric times to the present. [oA96B31974Signet, NYUSAEnpt1979Bergier, Jacques: Extraterrestrial visitations from prehistoric times to the present. [oA96A11973Henry Regnery, ChicagoUSAEnhc2003Bergier, Jacques: Les extraterrestres dans l'histoire.A9511970J'ai Lu, ParisFrFrpt1980Bergier, Jacques: Los extraterrestres en la historia. [orig: Les extraterrestres dans l'A4913B1ranslations1976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Bergier, Jacques: Los extraterrestres en la historia. [orig: Les extraterrestres dans l'A4913A1ranslations1974Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSphc2005Bergier, Jacques: Mysteries of the earth. The hidden world of the extra-terrestrials.A97A21974Sidgwick & Jackson, LondonUKEnhc1991Bergier, Jacques: Mysteries of the earth. The hidden world of the extra-terrestrials.A97B31974Futura, LondonUKEnpt1976Bergier, Jacques: Mystiske fremmede exempler på udenjordisk indgriben fra forhistA64031ranslations1980?Aarsleffs forlagDaDasc2008
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Bergier, Jacques: Mystiske fremmede. Eksempler på udenjordisk indgriben fra forhiA38102ranslations1976Sphinx & Nihil, CopenhagenDaDasc2003 21983 2009Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds.A104D21983Granada, LondonUKEnpt1991Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds.A104B21973Dell, N. Y.USAEnpt1976Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds.A104A21972Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1986Berlitz, Charles with Valentine, J. Manson: Mysteries from forgotten worlds.A104C21974Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1986Berlitz, Charles: Misterios de los mundos olvidados. [orig: Mysteries from forgottenA49171ranslations1974Editorial Bruguera, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Berlitz, Charles: Mysterier fra forsvunne sivilisasjoner. [orig: Mysteries from forgotteA20393ranslations1987Hilt & Hansteen, OsloNoNosc1994Bogdanov, Aleksandr: Neizvestnaya civilizaciya. (Unknown Civilizations).A609112003Centrpoligraf, Moscow-S:t PetersbuRuRusc2007Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Det förflutnas legender. Försvunna civilisationer och legeA142531987Bokorama, HöganäsSwSwhc1987Brookesmith, Peter [red]: Kraften från jorden. Om stensättningar, pyramider och ruiA142821987Bokorama, HöganäsSwSwhc1987Burenhult, Göran: Speglingar av det förflutna.A643011986Bra Böcker, HöganäsSwSwhc large format2008Calder, Ritchie: La herencia del hombre. [orig: The inheritors].A493711974Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Carlyon, Richard: A guide to the Gods.A780411982Quill, New YorkUSAEnsc2010Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Forgotten worlds. [orig: Le livre des mondes oA196B21973Popular Library, NYUSAEnpt1994Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Histoire inconnu des hommes depuis cent millA185921963Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: L`enigme des Andes. Les pistes de Nazca. LaA186021974Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des maitres de monde.A1861A21967Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des maîtres du monde.A1861B11980Éditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2010Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des mondes oubliés.A186221971Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des secrets trahis.A1863A21965Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre des secrets trahis. (Bibliothèque des gA1863B11976Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrhc2010Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre du mystérieux inconnu.A781021969Laffont, ParisFrFrsc2010Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Le livre du passé mystérieux.A186411973Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc1992
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Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Legacy of the gods.A195B21979Sphere Books, LondonUKEnpt2009 11974 1979Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Lost worlds. Scientific secrets of the ancients. [A196A31973Fontana, LondonUKEnpt1979Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Masters of the world.A197B21974Berkeley Medallion Books, N. Y.USAEnpt1983Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Masters of the world.A197A21974Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1976Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Mysterier i 100.000 år. [Volume I, orig: HistoireA14911ranslations1969Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc1988Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Mysterier i 100.000 år. [Volume II, orig: HistoiA38551ranslations1969Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc2003Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Nuestros antepasados extraterrestres. [orig: LA49471ranslations1974Editorial Bruguera, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: One hundred thousand years of man's unknoA1713A21970Berkley Medallion, NYUSAEnpt1988Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: One hundred thousand years of man's unknoA1713B21981Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1991Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Phantastische Vergangenheit. Die unbekannteA53861ranslations1990Ullstein Sachbuch, FrankfurtGeGept2006Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: På jakt efter de oförklarliga. [orig: Le livre du mA19931972Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1975Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Rymdens budbärare. Landningsfältet på NazcA20031976Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1979Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The Gods unknown. [orig: Le livre du mysterieA194A21974Berkley Medallion, NYUSAEnpt1979Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious past. [orig: Le livre du passe mA198B11974Futura, LondonUKEnpt1983Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious past. [orig: Le livre du passe mA198A21973Berkley Medallion, NYUSAEnpt1983Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: The mysterious unknown. [orig: Le livre du myA194B31973Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1979Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Trésors du monde. Enterrés, enmurés, englouA20121962J'ai Lu, ParisFrFrpt1980Charroux, Robert [Robert Grugeau]: Verratene Geheimnisse. Aus biblischen und vA53871ranslations1987Ullstein Sachbuch, FrankfurtGeGept2006Chatelain, Maurice: Á la recherche de nos ancêtres cosmiques. [orig: In search of oA385621981France Loisirs, ParisFrFrhc2003Chatelain, Maurice: Nuestros ascendientes ilegados del cosmos. [orig: Nos ancestr A49481ranslations1978Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space.A203A21979Dell, NYUSAEnpt2001Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space.A203C11980Arthur Barker, LondonUKEnhc2005Chatelain, Maurice: Our ancestors came from outer space.A203B21980Pan Books, LondonUKEnpt1983
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Chatelain, Maurice: Our cosmic ancestors. [Enlarged edition of: Our ancestors camA203C11988emple Golden Publications, SedonUSAEnsc2004 11975 2009Cohen, Daniel: Gåtfulla platser. [orig: Mysterious places].A212A21970Rabén & Sjögren, StockholmSwSwsc1983Cohen, Daniel: Gåtfulla platser. [orig: Mysterious places]. [2.upplagan].A212B21985Prisma Magnum, StockholmSwSwsc (1) hc (1)1998Cohen, Daniel: The ancient visitors.A206111976Doubleday, NYUSAEnhc1994Collyns, Robin: Ancient astronauts: a time reversal?A214A31976Pelham Books, LondonUKEnhc1994Collyns, Robin: Ancient astronauts: a time reversal?A214B31978Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1979Collyns, Robin: Did spaceman colonise the earth?A215A11974Pelham Books, LondonUKEnhc2005Collyns, Robin: Did spaceman colonise the earth?A215B31975Mayflower, St. AlbansUKEnpt1976Collyns, Robin: Laser beams from star cities?A216A21975Pelham Books, LondonUKEnhc1994Collyns, Robin: Laser beams from star cities?A216B31975Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1980Corliss, William R.: Ancient man: a handbook of puzzling artifacts.A541421980he Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm,USAEnhc2006Corliss, William R.: Strange artifacts. A sourcebook on ancient man. Volume M-1.A541621974he Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm,USAEnplastic binde2006Corliss, William R.: Strange artifacts. A sourcebook on ancient man. Volume M-2.A541721976he Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm,USAEnplastic binde2006Corliss, William R.: Strange planet. A soucebook of unusual geological facts. VoluA542021975he Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm,USAEnplastic binde2006Corliss, William R.: Strange planet. A soucebook of unusual geological facts. VoluA542121978he Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm,USAEnplastic binde2006Danyans, Eugenio: Platillos volantes en la antigüedad.A389311967Editorial Pomaire, BarcelonaSpSphc2003de Camp, L. Sprague & de Camp, Catherine: Citadels of mystery. Unsolved puzzleA250321972Fontana, LondonUKEnpt1998Det Bästa: Världens olösta mysterier. (orig: Les derniers mystères du monde].A207231977Reader's Digest AB, StockholmSwSwhc A41994Devereux, Paul: Haunted land. Investigations into ancient mysteries and modern dA544412001Piatkus, LondonUKEnhc2006Devereux, Paul: Stone age soundtracks. The acoustic archaeology of ancient sites.A310712001Vega, LondonUKEnsc2002Donimirski, Andrzej: Na krawedzi niepoznanego.A393211986Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, KatoPolandPolishsc2003Donimirski, Andrzej: Przybysze z kosmosu. Rzeczywistosc czy fantazja? O niektóryA393311978Wydawnictwo "Slask", KatowicePolandPolishsc2003Dopatka, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Sind wir allein? Besucher aus der Zukunft: Götter, UFOs, AA545011996Econ, DüsseldorfGeGehc2006
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Dovan, Walt G.: ?Existio otra humanidad?A4968A11975Producciones Editoriales, BarcelonSpSphc2005 11978 2008Dovan, Walt G.: Los dioses visitan la tierra.A496911975Ediciones Petronio, ValenciaSpSppt2005Drake, W. Raymond: Cosmic continents.A143121986International Society for the InvestigIndiaEnsc1987Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in ancient Israel. [orig: Gods and spaceA27221976Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1978Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in Greece and Rome.A27431976Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1978Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient East.A281C31973Signet, NYUSAEnpt1979Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient East.A281B21973Sphere Books, LondonUKEnpt2009Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient West.A275B21974Signet Book, N. Y.USAEnpt2009Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen in the ancient West.A275A21974Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1979Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen of the ancient past.A27621974Signet, NYUSAEnpt1975Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history.A277A31975Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1978Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history.A277C11976Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1983Drake, W. Raymond: Gods and spacemen throughout history.A277B21975Henry Regnery, ChicagoUSAEnhc1983Drake, W. Raymond: Gods or spacemen?A278B11976Signet, NYUSAEnpt2004Drake, W. Raymond: Gods or spacemen?A278A3DM-002781964Amherst Press, Amherst, WisconsinUSAEnhc + digital PDF1975Drake, W. Raymond: Messengers from the stars. [orig: Gods or spacemen?, expanA27931977Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1983Drake, W. Raymond: Mystery of the Gods. Are they coming back to earth? [orig: GA28031972he author, SunderlandUKEnbooklet A41983Drake, W. Raymond: Spacemen in the ancient East.A281A41968Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1976Däniken, Erich von: According to the evidence. [orig: Beweise. Lokaltermin in fünf A1093A21977Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1979Däniken, Erich von: Aussaat und Kosmos. Spuren und Pläne ausserirdischer IntelliA497311972Econ, DüsseldorfGeGehc2005Däniken, Erich von: Besucher aus dem Kosmos. Das grosse Jubiläumsbuch mit illuA218611975Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc1994Däniken, Erich von: Beweise. Lokaltermin in fünf Kontinenten.A218711977Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc1994Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: EriA1094E11990Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnsc1996
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Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: EriA1094A21969Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1986 2 1971 1983Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the Gods. Unsolved mysteries of the past. [orig: EriA1094C21971Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1978Däniken, Erich von: Chariots of the gods? Unsolved mysteries of the past. [Orig. EriA1094B11969Putnam, N. Y.USAEnhc2008Däniken, Erich von: Der Götter-schock.A236711992Goldmann Verlag, MünchenGeGesc1996Däniken, Erich von: Det förgångnas profet. Djärva tankar om rymdbesök på jorden.A141631979Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1986Däniken, Erich von: El oro de los dioses. Los extraterrestres entre nosotros. [orig: AA49741ranslations1974Ediciones Martinez Roca, BarcelonSpSphc2005Däniken, Erich von: Erindringer om fremtiden. Om fortidens uløste gåter. [orig: ErinA54591ranslations1979Ernst G. Mortensen, OsloNoNosc2006Däniken, Erich von: Erinnerungen an die Zukunft. Ungelöste Rätsel der VergangenA109541968Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc1976Däniken, Erich von: Fortids gåder...fremtids virkelighed. [orig: Erinnerungen an dieA19822ranslations1968Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc1992Däniken, Erich von: Gods from outer space. [orig: Zurück zu den Sternen].A1104C31972Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1978Däniken, Erich von: Gods from outer space. Return to the stars or Evidence for theA1104B11970Putnam, N. Y.USAEnhc2008Däniken, Erich von: Gudarnas spår. Argument i bild för teorier, spekulationer och foA1097B21977Berghs, MalmöSwSwpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Gudarnas spår. Argument i bild för teorier, spekulationer och foA1097A31973Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1975Däniken, Erich von: Gudasäd. Intelligensens planer och spår. [orig: Aussaat und KA1098B21977Berghs, StockholmSwSwpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Gudasäd. Intelligensens planer och spår. [orig: Aussaat und KA1098A31972Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1983Däniken, Erich von: Habe ich mich geirrt? Neue Erinnerungen an die Zukunft. Mit eiA649811985Bertelsmann, MünchenGeGehc2008Däniken, Erich von: I korsförhör. Frågor och diskussioner världen runt. [orig: Erich vA109931978Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1983Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient gods. My pictorial evidence for the impossiA1100A21974Putnam, N. Y.USAEnhc2008Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient Gods. My pictorial evidence for the impossA1100C21975Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1979Däniken, Erich von: In search of ancient Gods. My pictorial evidence for the impossA1100B21975Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1983Däniken, Erich von: La respuesta de los dioses. [orig: Beweise].A49751ranslations1978Ediciones Martinez Roca, BarcelonSpSpsc2005Däniken, Erich von: Meine Welt in Bildern. Bildargumente für Theorien, SpekulationA546011973Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc2006Däniken, Erich von: Min verden i bilder. [Orig. Meine Welt in Bildern.]A71871ranslations1973Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, OsloNoNohc2009
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Däniken, Erich von: Mina bevis. Rättegång på fem kontinenter. [orig: Beweise. LokA110131977Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1979 31968 1975Däniken, Erich von: Olösta gåtor ur mänsklighetens förflutna. [orig: Erinnerungen aA1103C21975Berghs, MalmöSwSwpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Olösta gåtor ur mänsklighetens förflutna. [orig: Erinnerungen aA1103B11969Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1975Däniken, Erich von: Présence des extra terrestres. [Orig.: Erinnerungen an die ZukA7894A1ranslations1969Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrhc2010Däniken, Erich von: Présence des extraterrestres. [Orig.: Erinnerungen an die ZukuA7894B3ranslations1969Robert Laffont, ParisFrFrsc2010Däniken, Erich von: Preuves des civilisations extra-terrestres. [Orig.: Habe ich michA78951ranslations1988France Loisirs, ParisFrFrhc2010Däniken, Erich von: Prophet der Vergangenheit. Riskante Gedanken um die AllgegA218811979Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc1994Däniken, Erich von: Reise nach Kiribati. Abenteur zwischen Himmel und Erde.A649911981Econ Verlag, DüsseldorffGeGehc2008Däniken, Erich von: Reisen til Kiribati. Eventyr mellom himmel og jord. [Orig.: ReiseA78961ranslations1981Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, OsloNoNohc2010Däniken, Erich von: Resa till Kiribati. Äventyr mellan himmel och jord. [orig: Reise nA132131982Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1985Däniken, Erich von: Return to the stars. Evidence for the impossible. [orig: Zurück zA1104A2BM-011041970Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Signs of the Gods? [orig: Prophet der Vergangenheit].A1832A31979Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1991Däniken, Erich von: Signs of the Gods? [orig: Prophet der Vergangenheit].A1832B11981Berkley, New YorkUSAEnpt2008Däniken, Erich von: Stenarnas mystik. [orig: Die Steinzeit war ganz anders].A198331992Wahlströms, StockholmSwSwhc1992Däniken, Erich von: The gods and their grand design. The eighth wonder of the wor A1221B11984Putnam, New YorkUSAEnhc2010Däniken, Erich von: The Gods and their grand design. The eighth wonder of the woA1221A11984Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1984Däniken, Erich von: The gods were astronauts. Evidence of the true indentities of tA789812002Vega, LondonUKEnsc2010Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the gods. [Orig.: Aussaat und Kosmos.]A1096A11973Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc2010Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the Gods. [orig: Aussaat und Kosmos].A1096C2BM-010961974Bantam, NYUSAEnpt + digital PDF file1983Däniken, Erich von: The gold of the Gods. [orig: Aussaat und Kosmos].A1096B21973Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1983Däniken, Erich von: The return of the gods. Evidence of extraterrestrial visitations. [A789911997Element Books, Shaftesbury, DorseUKEnhc2010Däniken, Erich von: The stones of Kiribati. Pathway to the Gods? [orig: Reise nachA546121982Souvenis Press, LondonUKEnhc2006Däniken, Erich von: Tilbage til stjernerne. [orig: Zurück zu den Sternen].A49761ranslations1969Strubes Forlag, KøbenhavnDaDasc2005
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Däniken, Erich von: Tilbake til stjernene. Om mulighetene for det umulige. [orig: Zur A49771ranslations1970Ernst G Mortensen, OsloNoNohc2005 21970 2009Däniken, Erich von: Tillbaka till stjärnorna. Argument för det omöjliga. [orig: ZurückA1105C21977Berghs, StockholmSwSwpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Tillbaka till stjärnorna. Argument för det omöjliga. [orig: ZurückA1105B11972Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1975Däniken, Erich von: Vers un retour aux étoiles. Arguments pour l'impossible. [Orig.:A79001ranslations1975Éditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2010Däniken, Erich von: Vieraita avaruudesta. Menneisyyden ratkaisemattomia arvoitukA54621ranslations1993Kirjayhtymä, HelsinkiFiFihc2006Däniken, Erich von: von Däniken's proof [= According to the evience, orig: BeweiseA1093B21978Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1983Däniken, Erich von: Vospominanija o budusjtjem. [orig: Erinnerungen an die ZukunA31161ranslations1992Russian Geographical Society, St. RuRusc2002Däniken, Erich von: Zurück zu den Sternen. Argumente für das Unmögliche.A218921969Econ, DüsseldorffGeGehc1994Econ Verlag: Das Welt-Phänomen Erich von Däniken. Eine Dokumentation.A207911973Econ, DüsseldorffGeGept1994Faber-Kaiser, Andreas: ?Sacerdotes o cosmonautas?A394821974Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSphc2003Faber-Kaiser, Andreas: Las nubes del engaño. Crónica extrahumana antigua.A395111984Planeta, BarcelonaSpSpsc2003Fiebag, Johannes; Fiebag, Peter & Sachmann, Hans-Werner: Gesandte des Alls.A5489119??IPE, Intressegemeinschaft Prae-AstGeGesc2006Finderup, Bjarno: Da universet kom naermere. Mytologien i nyt lys.A118221984AAIS forlag, SkiveDaDasc1984Finderup, Bjarno: Hieroglyfferne var hemeneutiske.A32621980he author, SkiveDaDasc1983Fix, Wm R.: Star maps. Astrounding new evidence from ancient civilisations and mA549111979Octopus Books, LondonUKEnsc large format2006Flindt, Max H. & Binder, Otto O: Mankind - child of the stars.A2083B31976Coronet, LondonUKEnpt1994Flindt, Max H. & Binder, Otto O: Mankind - child of the stars.A2083A21974Fawcett Gold Medal, Greenwich, CUSAEnpt1994Furneaux, Rupert: Ancient mysteries.A2826A11976Futura, LondonUKEnpt2001Furneaux, Rupert: Ancient mysteries.A2826B11978Ballantine, NYUSAEnpt2005Gallagher, I.J.: The case of the ancient astronauts.A400611977Raintree Childrens Books, MilwaukUSAEnhc2003Guirao, Pedro: La protohistoria.A502911979Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Gustafsson, Björn: Lösningen av pyramid-gåtan, dinosauriegåtan, asteroidgåtan.A284211994Livsfilosofens förlag, GothenburgSwSwbooklet A42001Haining, Peter (ed.): The ancient mysteries reader. Book 1.A271021978Sphere, LondonUKEnpt2000
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Haining, Peter (ed.): The ancient mysteries reader. Book 2.A271111978Sphere, LondonUKEnpt2000 11995 2006Hancock, Graham: Fingerprints of the Gods. A quest for the beginning and the end.A2323B21995Mandarin, LondonUKEnpt1996Healey, Tim: Världens märkligaste platser. (Jordens under och hemligheter). [Orig.A72651200Det Bästa, StockholmSwSwhc2009Helle. A-L: Under eviga stjärnor. Från Atlantis till Buddha.A46221969Eden BokförlagSwSwhc1983Hill, Klumpen: Treet som vokste ned fra himmelen. En mulig løsning på Atlantis-myA284912000Irminsul, FlekkefjordNoNohc2001Horn, Arthur David with Horn, Lynette: Humanity's extraterrestrial origins. ET influeA406911994A & L Horn, Mt. Shasta, Calif.USAEnsc2003Håland, Randi & Gunnar: Bra Böckers världshistoria. Band 1. I begynnelsen. FrånA805811983Bra Böcker, HöganäsSwSwhc coffee table2010Joquel II, Arthur Louis: The challenge of space.A53411952House-Warven, HollywoodUSAEnhc1983Kananen, Marko: Hullu, huijari vai nero - Erich von Däniken, ancient astronauts-teoA560111994he authorFiFidocument A42006Kennedy, Gerry & Churchill: The Voynich manuscript. The unsolved riddle of an extA560912004Orion, LondonUKEnsc2006Kohlenberg, Karl F.: De kom fra rummet. Tidernes morgon. [orig: Enträtselte VorzeiA507811971Strubes Forlag, KøbenhavnDaDasc2005Kohlenberg, Karl F.: Enträtselte Vorzeit. Tatsachen - Utopien - Deutungen.A211511970Albert Langen-Georg Muller Verlag,GeGehc1994Kolosimo, Peter: Ajaton maa. [orig: Terra senza tempo].A56271ranslations1982Karisto, HämenlinnaFiFihc2006Kolosimo, Peter: El planeta incógnito. [orig: Il planeta sconosciuto].A50811ranslations1976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Kolosimo, Peter: I odisej sa zvijezda.A5771Yugoslavia1976Fokusova Biblioteka, ZagrebYugosl???sc1979Kolosimo, Peter: No es terrestre. [orig: Non e terrestre].A50821ranslations1977Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Kolosimo, Peter: Not of this world. [orig: Non e terrestre].A578D21973Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1983Kolosimo, Peter: Not of this world. [orig: Non e terrestre].A578A21970Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1988Kolosimo, Peter: Not of this world. [orig: Non e terrestre].A578B11971University Books, NYUSAEnhc2004Kolosimo, Peter: Not of this world. [orig: Non e terrestre].A578C41971Sphere, LondonUKEnpt (two different covers)1979Kolosimo, Peter: Sie kamen von einem anderen Stern. Frühkulturen aus dem WeltaA23342ranslations19??Wilhelm Goldmann, MünchenGeGept1996Kolosimo, Peter: Timeless Earth. [orig: Terra senza tempo].A1765B11975Bantam, NYUSAEnpt2006Kolosimo, Peter: Timeless Earth. [orig: Terra senza tempo].A1765A31974Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1991
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Kolosimo, Peter: Toisilta tähdiltä. [orig: Non e teresstre].A56281ranslations1971Kirjayhtymä, HelsinkiFiFisc2006 11987 2010Kondratov, Alexandre: Les mystères des trois océans. [Traduit du russe par LudmilA732111974ditions du Progrès, MoscouRusRushc2009Kowalski, Krzysztof & Lukasiewicz, Maciej (ed.): Kosmos i mity.A410611984Omnipress, WarzawPolandPolishsc2003Krupp, E.C. (editor): In search of ancient astronomies.A508411984Penguin Books, MiddlesexUKEnsc2005Landsburg, Alan & Sally: In search of ancient mysteries.A590B21974Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1991Landsburg, Alan & Sally: In search of ancient mysteries.A590A21974Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1975Landsburg, Alan & Sally: The outer space connection.A591B21975Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1983Landsburg, Alan & Sally: The outer space connection.A591A31975Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1983Langbein, Walter-Jörg: Das Sphinx Syndrom. Die Rückkehr der Astronautengötter.A565011995Langen Müller, MünchenGeGehc2006Langbein, Walter-Jörg: Von Ausserirdsichen entführt. Die Experimente der Aliens.A812221999Gondrom Verlag, BindlachGeGehc2010Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: Forgotten heritage.A60231974Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1983Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: Le peuple du ciel. [Orig.: The sky people.]A812921972ditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2010Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: Men among mankind.A603A31962Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1975Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: Temple of the stars. [orig: Men among mankind].A603C11974Ballantine, New YorkUSAEnpt2008Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: Temple of the stars. [orig: Men among mankind].A603B31973Fontana, LondonUKEnpt1986Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: The sky people.A607B31971andem, LondonUKEnpt1983Le Poer Trench, Brinsley: The sky people.A607A31960Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1975Lewis, L.M: Footprints on the sands of time. The legendary race who gave mankindA61731975Signet, NYUSAEnpt1979Marble, Samuel D.: Before Columbus. The new history of Celtic, Phoenician, VikingA212411980A S Barnes, NYUSAEnhc1994Marni, Pablo: Los visitantes cosmicos en las leyendas y en las ruinas. Un libro destA416311976Editorial Caimy, Buenos AiresArgSpsc2003Mehner, Thomas (Herausgeber): An den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Band 1: UnsA470611997CTT-Verlag, SuhlGeGesc2004Mehner, Thomas (Herausgeber): An den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Band 3: GrenA470711999CTT-Verlag, SuhlGeGesc2004Mehner, Thomas (Herausgeber): Das Grosse Experiment. Das wissen vensunkenA470811994CTT-Verlag, SuhlGeGesc2004
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Michell, John: The New view over Atlantis.A512011983hames and Hudson, LondonUKEnhc2005 31972 1991Michell, John: The view over Atlantis.A696D11975Abacus, LondonUKEnpt1983Michell, John: The view over Atlantis.A696C21973Abacus, LondonUKEnsc1983Michell, John: The view over Atlantis. [Revised ed.]A696A21972Garnstone Press, LondonUKEnhc1986Montgomery, Ruth: The world before.A670711978Sphere, LondonUKEnpt2008Mooney, Richard E.: Colony: Earth.A703A21974Stein and Day, NYUSAEnhc1992Mooney, Richard E.: Colony: Earth.A703B31975Panther/Granada, LondonUKEnpt (two different covers)1978Moran, Sarah: Alien art. Extraterrestrial expressions on earth.A273011998Bramley Books, Godalming, SurreyUKEnhc2000Morozov, Yury: Sledy drevnih astronavtov? [Traces of ancient astronauts?]. [KnowlA575811991Knowledge Series, MoscowRuRubooklet2006Muldashev, Ernst: Ot kogo my proizoshli? (Who are our ancenstors?).A620812001AiF-Print, MoscowRuRuhc2007Naud, Yves: Enigma degli UFO e degli extra-terrestri. Volume Primo.A28911ranslations1977Ferni, GinevraItIthc2001Naud, Yves: Les O. V. N. I. et les extra-terrestres dans l'histoire. T. 1.A743031977ditions Famot, GenèveSwitzerlFrhc2009Naud, Yves: UFOs and extraterrestrials in history. Volume 1.A422021978Ferni, GenevaSwitzerlEnhc2003Nepomnyaschii, Nikolai: Po sledam velikanov. (In the wake of giants).A623211998AST-Olimp, MoscowRuRuhc2007Pahl, Jochim [Joachim Puhle]: Sternenmenschen sind unter uns. Die Rückkehr der A214411971Kurt Desch, MünchenGeGehc1994Reader's Digest: Les derniers mystères du monde.A835711976Sélection du Reader's Digest, ParisFrFrhc2010Reader's Digest: Unsolved mysteries of the past. [Quest for the unknown].A586211991Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, NYUSAEnhc large format2006Sachmann, Hans-Werner: In Schutt und Asche. Die Arsenale der Unsterblichen.A589311989Metzmaier-Verlag, Badeb-BadebGeGept2006Saurat, Denis: L'Atlantide et le règne des géants. (L'aventure mystérieuse.)A839421969Éditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2010Schellhas, Paul: Vid vårt vetandes gränser. Dunkla områden i mänsklighetens histoA356911908Beijers Bokförlags AB, StockholmSwSwhc2002Scherbakov, Vladimir: Asgard - gorod bogov. (Asgard – City of the Gods)A625811991Molodaya Gvardiya, MoscowRuRuhc2007Schneider, Eberhard: Those astounding Stupas. An investigation into the fantastic.A201911991?he author, BargteheideGeEnA4 size1993Schulte-Berge, Erich: Edda, Thora und Gralslegende. [Erdball und Weltall, Heft 18].A678211991he author, Marl, GermanyGeGebooklet2008
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Schulte-Berge, Erich: Götter, Juden und Christen. [Erdball und Weltall, Heft 20].A678411991he author, Marl, GermanyGeGebooklet2008 31973 1979Siblerud, Robert: In the beginning. Mysteries of ancient civilizations. The Sacred ScA359811999Sacred Science Publications, WellinUSAEnsc2002Silverberg, Robert: Lost cities and vanished civilizations.A256031963Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1998Sitchin, Zecharia: Den tolfte planeten. När, var, hur astronauterna från en annan plA919B21989Berghs, MalmöSwSwpt1983Sitchin, Zecharia: Den tolfte planeten. När, var, hur astronauterna från en annan plA919A21980Berghs, MalmöSwSwhc1983Sitchin, Zecharia: Divine encounters. A guide to visions, angels and other emissariA235721996Avon, NYUSAEnpt1996Sitchin, Zecharia: Genesis revisited. Is modern science catching up with ancient knA1961A1BM-019611990Avon, NYUSAEnpt + digital PDF file1992Sitchin, Zecharia: Genesis revisited. Is modern science catching up with ancient knA1961B11991Bear & Company, Santa Fé, New MUSAEnhc2008Sitchin, Zecharia: Skapelsen i nytt ljus. [orig: Genesis revisited].A227231995Berghs, StockholmSwSwhc1995Sitchin, Zecharia: The 12th planet. [The Earth chronicles, book I].A92031978Avon, NYUSAEnpt (two different covers)1979Sitchin, Zecharia: The lost realms. [The Earth chronicles, book IV].A235831990Avon, NYUSAEnpt1996Sitchin, Zecharia: The stairway to heaven. [The Earth chronicles, book II].A235921983Avon, NYUSAEnpt1996Sitchin, Zecharia: The wars of Gods and men. [The Earth chronicles, book III].A236031985Avon, NYUSAEnpt (2 different covers)1996Sitchin, Zecharia: When time began.A236131993Avon, NYUSAEnpt1996Smirnov A. F. (Ed.): Dorogami tysyacheletii. (By the Roads of Thousand Years).A626711989Molodaya Gvardiya, MoscowRuRuhc2007Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: Worlds before our own.A121921981Star, LondonUKEnpt1984Stiebing, William H., jr: Ancient astronauts, cosmic collisions and other popular theA758411984Japanese editionJaJasc2009Sykes, Egerton: Extraterrestrial landings. Revised ed.A10122BM-010121971Markham House, LondonUKEnbooklet + digital PDF1975arade, Guy: La pista de los extraterrestres. [orig: J'ai retrouvé la piste des extrater A275611980Everest, MadridSpSpsc2000ime-Life Books: Feats and wisdom of the ancients. [Library of curious and unusualA597911990ime Life Books, Alexandria, VirginiUSAEnhc large format2006ouchard, Michel-Claude & Barhtelemy, Guy: La arqueologia misteriosa. [orig: L'ar A521711979Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005ouchard, Michel-Claude & Barthélémy, Guy: L'archeólogie mystérieuse: voyage àA849411972Éditions E. P. Denoël, ParisFrFrsc2010roëng, Ivan: Hur månen föddes för 11.800 år sedan.A104331973Larson, StockholmSwSwsc1979
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roëng, Ivan: Kulturer före istiden.A104431964Nybloms, UppsalaSwSwsc1976 11996 2003van der Veer, M H J Th & Moerman, P: Hidden worlds. Fresh clues to the past.A2182A11975Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1994Van der Veer, M. H. Th. & Moerman, P.: Hidden worlds. Fresh clues to the past. DiA2182B11975Corgi Books, LondonUKEnpt2009Vestenbrugg, Rudolf Elmayer von [Hans Schindler]: Eingriffe aus dem Kosmos. ErdA294621977Hermann Bauer, FreiburgGeGehc2001Westwood, Jennifer (red.): Historiens gåtfulla platser. Heliga tempel, symboliska laA370111989Natur och Kultur, StockholmSwSwhc2002White, Peter: The past is human.A852911974Angus and Robertson, SydneyAustraliEnhc2010Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Den glemte vej til planeterne… [oriA154111963Otto Biilmann, CopenhagenDaDasc1988Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Other tongues - other flesh.A1138A3BM-011381953Amherst Press, Amherst, WisconsinUSAEnhc + digital PDF file1975Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Other tongues - other flesh.A1138B21965Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1975Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Road in the sky.A1139B21975Futura, LondonUKEnpt1983Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Road in the sky.A1139A31959Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1975Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Secret places of the lion.A1141B11974Futura, LondonUKEnpt1983Williamson, George Hunt [Michel d'Obrenovic]: Secret places of the lion.A1141A31958Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1975Vitaliano, Dorothy B: Legends of the earth. Their geologic origins.A218511973Indiana University Press, BloomingtUSAEnhc1994Vladimirskii B. & Kislovskii L.: Arheoastronomiya i istoriya kultury. (ArchaeoastronoA629711989Knowledge Series, MoscowRuRubooklet2007Wood, David & Campbell, Ian: Geneset: target Earth.A443911994Bellevue Books, Sunbury on ThameUKEnhc2003Andersen, Per: Cheops, pi og talmanipulationer - ompyramiden og den aegyptiskeAA3531982Skeptica, lborgDaDabooklet A41983Bauval, Robert & Gilbert, Adrian: The Orion mystery. Unlocking the secrets of the pAA639411994Mandarin, LondonUKEnpt2008Beckley, Timothy Green & Crockett, Arthur: The great pyramid speaks. Ancient myAA639611984Inner Light Publications, New BrunsUSAEnsc2008Capt, E. Raymond: The great pyramid decoded.AA7801119??Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CaliUSAEnbooklet2010Dahl, Mikkel: Have you heard. The great pyramid speaks.AA647411986Shepherdsfield, Fulton, MontanaCanadaEnringbound2008David, Rosalie: Cult of the Sun. Myth and magic in ancient Egypt.AA24911980J M Dent, LondonUKEnhc1983Dunn, Christopher: The Giza power plant. Technologies of ancient Egypt.AA458711998Bear & Company, Santa Fé, New MUSAEnsc2004
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Ebon, Martin (ed.): Mysterious pyramid power.AA207811976Signet, NYUSAEnpt1994 12001 2004Flinders Petrie W.M.: Hvordan bar de sig ad? [orig: Pyramids and temples of Gizeh]AA200111978FUFOS, GlostrupDaDabooklet1993Green, Lawrence G.: Old Africa's last secrets. Adventures and discoveries of an auAA209111961Putnam, LondonUKEnhc1994Hope, Mary: Ancient Egypt: the Sirius connection.AA659911990Element Books, Shaftesbury, DorseUKEnsc2008Kjellson, Henry: Sju nätter på Cheopspyramidens topp.AA57031982Nybloms, StockholmSwSwhc1983Lewis, David H.: Beyond our galaxy. Book I.AA286611978Science Research Publishing HousUSAEnsc2001Lhote, Henri: Klippmålningarna i Sahara. Upptäckten av en svunnen ökenkultur.AA619011959idens Bokklubb, StockholmSwSwhc2007Mattsson, Carl-Anton: Forntidens pyramider.AA212721994NTB-Parthenon, NyköpingSwSwhc1994Melhedegård, Frede: Tut-Ankh-Amon er vågnet.AA6802197?he authorDaDasc1983Mendelssohn, Kurt: The riddle of the pyramids.AA740811976Sphere Books, LondonUKEnpt2009Miller Reg T.: Pyramid truth, gateway universe. The purpose, intent and overview of AA471411997Medicine Bear Publishing, Blue Hill,USAEnsc2004Nicklin, J.Bernard: Testimony in stone.AA138911961Destiny Publishers, Merrimac, MassUSAEnhc1986Pechenkin, Aleksandr: Tainy doliny piramid. (Secrets of Pyramid's Valley).AA624112000Veche, MoscowRuRuhc2007Pochan, André: El enigma de la gran pirámide. [orig: L'enigme de la grande pyramiAA516111976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Rèpits, Lehel: Den glömda civilisationen. (Vimaana 1).AA85241970UFO-Motala, MotalaSwSwbooklet A41975Rèpits, Lehel: El Giza-pyramidernas generalplan.AA180421990he author, SkövdeSwSwsc1991Riffert, George R: Great pyramid, proof of God.AA139811960Destiny Publishers, Merrimac, MassUSAEnhc1986Rubtsov, Vladimir V & Morotsov, Jurij: Den ukendte Sirius.AA86311979Scanfo, CopenhagenDaDabooklet1979Smith, Warren: The secret forces of the pyramids.AA216111975Zebra, NYUSAEnpt1994emple, Robert K.G: Siriusmysteriet. [Orig. The Sirius mystery.]AA760521981Regnbueforlaget, TrondheimNorgeNohc2009emple, Robert K.G: The Sirius mystery.AA1024B11976Destiny Books, Rochester, VermontUSAEnsc1983emple, Robert K.G: The Sirius mystery.AA1024C21976Futura, LondonUKEnpt1978emple, Robert K.G: The Sirius mystery.AA1024A2BM-010241976Sidgwick & Jackson, LondonUKEnhc + digital PDF file1983
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Bramley, William [pseud.f. Tore Dahlin]: The Gods of Eden. A new look at human hiAB2047A11989Dahlin Family Press, San José, CaliUSAEnhc1994 3 1963 1978Carten, Jim: Pilgrims and strangers on the earth.AB259411994Heretic Press, Milford, NJUSAEnsc1999Charles, R.H: The Book of Enoch or 1 Enoch, Translated from the editor's EthiopicAB135411964Health Research, Mokelumna Hill, USAEnringbound1986Cooke, Patrick: The greatest deception. The Bible UFO connection. The true natur AB452712002he Oracle Research Institute, BerkUSAEnsc2004Dahl, Mikkel: Four riders. Repr.AB647311987Shepherdsfield, Fulton, MissouriUSAEnbooklet2008Danyans, Eugenio: Los platillos volantes y la Biblia.AB389111975Clie, TerrassaSpSpsc2003Dean, John W.: Flying saucers and the scriptures.AB1360B119??Greensleaves, OxonUKENsc - reprint2003Dean, John W.: Flying saucers and the scriptures.AB1360A1BM-013601964Vantage Press, NYUSAEnhc + digital PDF file1986del Oso, Jimenez (ed.): Extraterrestres en la Biblia. [Biblioteca basica de los temasAB390511980Ediciones Uve, MadridSpSppt2003Dem, Marc [Marc Demeulenaere]: The lost tribes from outer space.AB1721A31977Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1992Dem, Marc [Marc Demeulenaere]: The lost tribes from outer space.AB1721B11977Corgi, LondonUKEnpt1991Dione, R.L.: God drives a flying saucer.AB261C2BM-002611973Corgi, LondonUKEnpt + digital PDF file1975Dione, R.L.: God drives a flying saucer.AB261B31973Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1983Dione, R.L.: God drives a flying saucer.AB261A11969Exposition Press, NYUSAEnhc1975Dione, R.L.: Is God supernatural? The 4000-year misunderstanding.AB268821976Bantam, NYUKEnpt2000Doreal, Morris: Adam and the pre-Adamites. [Little Temple Library, Number 35].AB4556119??Brotherhood of the White Temple, SUSAEnbooklet2004Doresse, Jean: The secret books of the Egyptian gnostics. An introduction to the gAB545111986Inner Traditions, Rochester, VermoUSAEnsc2006Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers.AB270C51973Sphere, LondonUKEnpt (three different covers)1983Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers.AB270A2BM-002701968J B Lippincott Comp, Philadelphia &USAEnhc + digital PDF file1986Downing, Barry H.: The Bible and flying saucers.AB270B4BM-002701970Avon, NYUSAEnpt (two different covers) +1975Faber-Kaiser, Andreas: El muñeco humano. Nos fabricaron para utilizarnos.AB394911989Kaydeda, MadridSpSpsc2003Freixedo, Salvador: Israel pueblo contacto.AB399411980Daimon, MadridSpSpsc2003Ginsburgh, Irwin: First, Man. Then, Adam! A scientific explanation of the book of GAB461211975Pocket Books, NYUSAEnpt2004
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Berlitz, Charles: Atlantis. [orig: The Atlantis mystery].ALA301811987Hilt & Hansteen, OsloNoNosc2002 11985 2001Berlitz, Charles: Atlantis. The lost continent revealed.ALA1694A11984MacMillan, LondonUKEnhc1991Berlitz, Charles: The mystery of Atlantis.ALA1236C11976Avon, NYUSAEnpt2001Berlitz, Charles: The mystery of Atlantis.ALA1236A11969Grosset & Dunlap, NYUSAEnhc1994Berlitz, Charles: The mystery of Atlantis.ALA1236B11969ower, NYUSAEnpt1985Berlitz, Charles: The mystery of Atlantis.ALA1236D31977Granada, St.AlbansUKEnpt2001Braghine, A.: The shadow of Atlantis. [New ed.]ALA712011980Aquarian Press, WellingboroughUKEnsc2009Bramwell, James: Lost Atlantis.ALA2048A11973Freeway Press, NYUSAEnpt1994Bramwell, James: Lost Atlantis. [New ed.]ALA2048B11974Newcastle Publishing Company, HoUSAEnsc2009Carnac, Pierre: La historia empieza en Bimini. La atlantida de Christobal Colon. [oriALA494011975Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSphc2005Cayce, Edgar Cayce: Edgar Cayce on Atlantis.ALA1856A11968Warner Books, N. Y.USEnpt1992Cayce, Edgar Cayce: Edgar Cayce on Atlantis.ALA1856C21968Paperback Libray, N. Y.USEnpt1992Cayce, Edgar Evans: Edgar Cayce on Atlantis.ALA1856B11968Warner Books, N.Y.USAEnpt1992Cayce, Edgar: Visions de l'Atlantide. [Orig. Edgar Cayce On Atlantis.]ALA71401ranslations1973Éditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2009de Camp, L. Sprague: Lost continents. The Atlantis theme in history, science and litALA3103A11970Dover, NYUSAEnsc2002de Camp, L. Sprague: Lost continents. The Atlantis theme in history, science and litALA3103B11975Ballantine, NYUSAEnpt2006Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis: the Antediluvian world. [orig. publ. 1882]ALA262A11910Harper & Brothers, NYUSAEnhc1994Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis: the Antediluvian world. A modern revised edition. EditeALA262C11950Sidgwick & Jackson, LondonUKEnhc1983Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis: the Antediluvian world. A modern revised edition. EditeALA262B11949Gramercy Publ Co, NYUSAEnhc1983Donnelly, Ignatius: The destruction of Atlantis. Ragnarok: the age of fire and gravel.ALA26311971Multimedia, Blauvelt, NYUSAEnpt1983Doreal, Morris: Atlantis and Lemuria.ALA4560119??Brotherhood of the White Temple, SUSAEnbooklet2004Ebon, Martin: Atlantis; the new evidence.ALA497821977Signet, NYUSAEnpt2005Falk, Bertil: Atlantis och svenskarna.ALA31821974Lindqvists, StockholmSwSwhc1983
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Flem-Ath, Rand & Rose: When the sky fell in search of Atlantis.ALA398211997St. Martin's, NYUSAEnpt2003 119?? 1992Frandsen, Marius: Atlantis - en realitet eller en utopi.ALA1882B11960Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc1992Frandsen, Marius: Atlantis - en realitet eller en utopi.ALA1882A11942Frederik E Pedersens forlag, CopenDaDasc1992Haste, William: Den gudommelige hverdag. [Atlantis-mysteriet].ALA405311969Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc2003Hayes, Christine: Red Tree. Insight into lost continents Mu and Atlantis.ALA210311972Naylor Company, San Antonio, TexUSAEnhc1994Holbe, Rainer: Wir von Atlantis. Protokolle aus fernen Zeiten.ALA233011988Knaur, MünchenGeGept1996Hutin, Serge: Alien races and fantastic civilizations. [Orig. Hommes et civilisations f ALA662311975Berkley Publication Co., N. Y.USAEnpt2008Kuzmin, Igor: Otkryytaya Atlantida? (Discovered Atlantis?)ALA618512002Neva-OLMA-Press, St. Petersburg/RuRuhc2007Luce, J. V.: The end of Atlantis. New light on an old legend.ALA735911970Paladin/Granada Publishing, St AlbUKEnsc2009Malaise, René: Atlantis. En geologisk verklighet. Jordskorpans rörelser, deras orsaALA415211951AB Nordiska Bokhandeln, StockholSwSwsc2003Mavor, James W. jr: Reise nach Atlantis. Wissenschaftler lösen das Rätsel einer WALA21291ranslations1969MTV, Wien-MünchenAustriaGept1994Mavor, James W. jr: Voyage to Atlantis.ALA2128A11969Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1994Mavor, James W. jr: Voyage to Atlantis.ALA2128B11973Fontana, LondonUKEnpt1994Muck, Otto H.: Alles über Atlantis. Alte Thesen - neue Forschungen.ALA2134B11978Droemer Knaur, MünchenGeGept1994Muck, Otto H.: Alles über Atlantis. Alte Thesen - neue Forschungen. ÜberarbeiteteALA2134A11976Econ Verlag, DüsseldorfGeGehc2009Muck, Otto H.: Atlantis. Gamla teser - ny forskning. [orig: Alles über Atlantis].ALA138621983Askild & Kärnekull, StockholmSwSwhc1986Muck, Otto H.: The secret of Atlantis. [orig: Alles über Atlantis].ALA513431979Fontana/Collins, GlasgowUKEnpt2005Olow, Ned: Atlantis. Legend eller verklighet?ALA146321982Zindermans, GöteborgSwSwhc1987Pettersson, Hans: Atlantis och Atlanten. [Göteborgs högskola: forskningar och förelALA515721944Albert Bonniers förlag, StockholmSwSwsc2005Phylos the Tibetan [Fredrick S. Oliver]: A dweller on two planets or the dividing of tALA798C21970Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1988Phylos the Tibetan [Fredrick S. Oliver]: A dweller on two planets or the dividing of tALA798D11974Harper & Row, San FranciscoUSAEnsc2006Phylos the Tibetan [Fredrick S. Oliver]: A dweller on two planets or the dividing of tALA798A11940Borden Publishing Company, Los AUSAEnhc2010Phylos the Tibetan [Fredrick S. Oliver]: A dweller on two planets or the dividing of tALA798B11952Borden Publ Co, Los AngelesUSAEnhc1976
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Ramage, Edwin S. (ed.): Atlantis. Fact or fiction.ALA214811978Indiana University Press, BloomingtUSAEnhc1994 11975 2007Scherbakov, Vladimir: Gde iskat' Atlantidu? (Where to search for Atlantis?). [KnowlALA625911990Knowledge Series, MoscowRuRubooklet2007Scott-Elliot, W: The story of Atlantis & the lost Lemuria. [orig. publ. 1896+1904].ALA195421972heosophical Publ House, LondonUKEnhc1992Scrutton, Robert: Secrets of lost Atland. Edited by Ken Johnson.ALA89111979Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1983Spanuth, Jürgen: Atlantis. Heimat, Reich und Schicksal der Germanen.ALA216411965Grabert-Verlag, TübingenGeGehc1994Spence, Leslie: The history of Atlantis.ALA679911968Bell Publishing Company, N. Y.USEnhc2008Spence, Lewis: The occult sciences in Atlantis.ALA757411970Aquarian Press, LondonUKEnhc2009Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: Atlantis rising.ALA954B21977Sphere, LondonUKEnpt1978Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: Atlantis rising.ALA954A21977Dell, NYUSAEnpt1983Steiger, Brad [Eugene E.Olson]: Overlords of Atlantis and the great pyramid.ALA519911989Inner Light Publications, New BrunsUSAEnsc2005omas, Andrew: Atlantis, from legend to discovery. [orig: ???].ALA103341973Sphere, LondonUKEnpt (two different covers)1979omas, Andrew: The home of the Gods. Atlantis, from legend to discovery. [orig: ??ALA2173B21974Berkley Medallion, NYUSAEnpt1994West, J.M.: El fin de la Atlantida. [Dr. Alexis Dormunt author on frontpage].ALA523811976Ediciones Petronio, BarcelonaSpSpsc2005Cervè, Wishar S: Lemurien. Den i Stilla havet sjunkna kontinenten.ALL185731951AMORC, SkäldervikenSwSwhc1992Churchward, James: Cosmic forces of Mu.ALL1355C21968Paperback Library, NYUSAEnpt2001Churchward, James: Cosmic forces of Mu.ALL1355B3196?Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1986Churchward, James: Cosmic forces of Mu. [Orig. published in 1931].ALL1355A1195?Ives Washburn, NYUSAEnhc1986Churchward, James: Mu, le continent perdu.[Orig.: The lost continent of Mu.]ALL78151ranslations1969éditions J'ai lu, ParisFrFrpt2010Churchward, James: The children of Mu.ALL1356B31965Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1986Churchward, James: The children of Mu.[Orig. published in 1934].ALL1356A11959Ives Washburn, NYUSAEnhc1986Churchward, James: The lost continent of Mu.ALL1866B31961Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1992Churchward, James: The lost continent of Mu.ALL1866C11968Paperback Library, NYUSAEnpt2001Churchward, James: The lost continent of Mu. [Orig. published in 1931].ALL1866A11958Ives Washburn, NYUSAEnhc1992
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Churchward, James: The sacred symbols of Mu.ALL1357C11968Paperback Library, NYUSAEnpt1986 31960 1986Churchward, James: The sacred symbols of Mu. [Orig. published in 1933].ALL1357A11960Ives Washburn, NYUSAEnhc1986Churchward, James: The second book of the cosm. forces of Mu. [orig: Cosmic forcALL135821968Paperback Library, NYUSAEnpt1986Lemurian Fellowship: Into the sun. A special introduction to the Lemurian philosophALL667411983Lemurian Fellowship, Ramona, CaliUSAEnringbound A52008Santesson, Hans Stefan: Legenden Mu, med en på svenska aldrig tidigare publicer ALL180831983extab, ArbogaSwSwhc1991Santesson, Hans Stefan: Understanding Mu.ALL153211970Paperback Library, NYUSAEnpt1988Stelle, Robert D.: The sun rises. The story of the formation of the first and greatestALL363311952Lemurian Fellowship, Ramona, CaliUSAEnhc2002Wilcox, Elizabeth: Mu - den sjunkna kontinenten.ALL113131964Parthenon, HelsingborgSwSwhc1983Wilcox, Elizabeth: Mu - fact or fiction.ALL604411963Pageant Press, NYUSAEnhc2006Deyo, Stan: The vindicator scrolls. Volume One.AM454811989West Australian Texas Trading, PerAustraliEnsc2004Gilbert, Adrian: Signs in the sky. [Prophecies for the birth of a New Age].AM461112000Bantam Press, LondonUSAEnhc2004Revere, Paul: Alien alert! The mystery solved of - who they are, - what they want, aAM478912000he authorUSAEnsc2004Beckley, Timothy G. (ed.): The American Indian UFO-starseed connection.AN490211992Inner Light Publications, New BrunsUSAEnsc x112005Blumrich, Josef F.: Kasskara - hopiernes verden. [orig: Kasskara und die sieben WAN303111983IGAP-forlaget, KoldingDaDasc, 6 volumes2002Blumrich, Josef F.: Kásskara und die sieben Welten. Die Geschichte der MenschheAN534011985Knaur, MünchenGeGept2006Devereux, Paul: Mysterious ancient America. An investigation into the enigmas of AN612112002Vega, LondonUKEnsc2007Doreal, Morris: The return of the Gods to America. [Little Temple Library, Number 2AN4582119??Brotherhood of the White Temple, SUSAEnbooklet2004Drake, W. Raymond: The ancient secrets of mysterious America - is our destiny upAN124611973he authorUKEnbooklet A41985Hagen, Victor Wolfgang von: The ancient sun kingdoms of the Americas.AN198411973Paladin/Granada, St. AlbansUKEnsc1992Hansen, L.Taylor: He walked the Americas.AN45731963Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1983Little, Gregory L.: People of the web. What indian mounds, ancient rituals, and stonAN413411990White Buffalo Books, Memphis, TenUSAEnsc2003Morton, Chris & Thomas, Ceri Louise: The mystery of the crystal skulls.AN343611998horsons, LondonUKEnsc2002Nepomnyaschii, Nikolai: Tak kto zhe otkryl Ameriku? (So who discovered America?AN623511990Knowledge Series, MoscowRuRubooklet2007
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Red Star, Nancy: Star ancestors. Indian wisdomkeepers share the teachings of theAN351712000Destiny Books, Rochester, VermontUSAEnsc 8x102002 21955 1985Waters, Frank: Book of the Hopi.AN1108A11973Ballantine, NYUSAEnpt1983Waters, Frank: Book of the Hopi.ANIH1108B11975Penguin Books, N. Y.USAEnsc2009Baudez, Claude & Picasso, Sydney: Les cités perdues des Mayas.ANM011987Decouvertes GallimardFrFrsc2011Bloomgarden, Richard: Der EASY Reisefuehrer von Chichen Itza, Balankanchen uANM775811982Editur, MéxicoMexicoGebooklet2010Bloomgarden, Richard: Der EASY Reisefuehrer von Uxmal. 4. Aufl.ANM775911984Editur, MéxicoMexicoGebooklet2010Bowen, Sandra; Nocerino, F.R. 'Nick' & Shapiro, Joshua: Mysteries of the Crystal SANM641711988J & S Aquarian Networking, PacificaUSAEnsc2008Cotterell, Maurice M.: The supergods. They came on a mission to save mankind.ANM453211997horsons, LondonUKEnhc2004Doreal, Morris: Mysteries of the Mayas.ANM4568119??Brotherhood of the White Temple, SUSAEnbooklet2004Garvin, Richard: The Crystal Skull. The story of the mystery, myth and magic of theANM208511974Pocket Books, NYUSAEnpt1994Hultgren, Gunilla (red.): Popol Vuh - quiché-maya-indianernas heliga bok.ANM505511983AWE / GebersSwSwsc2005Recinos, Adrián: Popul Vuh. The sacred book of the ancient Quiche Maya. EnglishANM152811950University of Oklahoma Press, NorUSAEnhc1988Umland, Craig & Eric: Mystery of the ancients: early spacemen and the Mayas.ANM1058A11974Walker, NYUSAEnhc1994Umland, Craig & Eric: Mystery of the ancients: early spacemen and the Mayas.ANM1058B21975Signet, NYUSAEnpt1994Umland, Craig & Eric: Mystery of the ancients: early spacemen and the Mayas.ANM1058C31976Panther/Granada, LondonUKEnpt1979Heyerdahl, Thor: Påskön. En gåta som fått svar.AP803711989Bra Bok, HöganäsSwSwhc coffee table2010Mazière, Francis: Fantastica Isla de Pascua. [orig: Fantastique ile de Paques].AP511411976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Mazière, Francis: Fantastique Île de Pâques.AP8197A11965Laffont, ParisFrFrsc2010Mazière, Francis: Fantastique Île de Pâques.AP8197B11971Laffont, ParisFrFrpt2010Mazière, Francis: Mysteries of Easter Island. [orig: Fantastique Ile de Páques].AP213011969Collins, LondonUKEnhc1994Voitzehovskii, Alim: Zagadki ostrova pashi. Riddles of Easter Island].AP604912001Veche, MoscowRuRuhc2006Ribera, Antonio: Operacion Rapa-Nui.APE751511975Editorial Pomaire, BarcelonaSpSphc2009Benitez, J.J.: Existio otra humanidad.AS490811976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSphc2005
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Brugger, Karl: Akakor-krøniken. [orig: Die Chronic von Akakor].AS117221980IGAP-forlaget, KoldingDaDasc1984 11985 2006Brugger, Karl: The Chronicle of Akakor. Translated from the German by Lu Fenton.AS199411994Phoenix Antiquities Research, CumUSAEnsc2008Däniken, Erich von: Budskapet fra Nazca. Tegn for evigheten. [Orig.: Zeichen für diAS789211997Orion forlag, OsloNoNohc2010Fawcett, P.H.: Försvunna städer, försvunna spår. Boken om överste Fawcett. SamAS313011953Forum, StockholmSwSwhc2002Fawcett, P.H.: Lost trails, lost cities. From his manuscripts, letters, and other recordAS459611953Funk & Wagnalls Company, NYUSAEnhc2004Fawcett, P.H.: Tapte verdener. Oberst Fawcetts eventyrlige reiser i Syd-Amerika. EAS459711953Stabenfeldt Forlag, StavangerNoNohc2004Guinchard, Marie-Thérèse & Paolantoni, Pierre: Les intra terrestres. "Ils existent: jeAS799211978ditions Alain Lefeuvre, NiceFrFrsc2010Homet, Marcel F: Die Söhne der Sonne. Auf dem Spuren vorzeitlicher Kultur in AmAS190711958Walter-Verlag, OltenGeGehc1992Homet, Marcel F: On the trail of the sungods. [orig. in French].AS119631965Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1984Homet, Marcel F: Sons of the Sun. [orig: Die Söhne der Sonne].AS47621963Neville Spearman, LondonUKEnhc1983Morrison, Tony: Pathways to the Gods. The mystery of the Andes lines.AS2132A11978Michael Russell, SalisburyUKEnhc1994Morrison, Tony: Pathways to the gods. The mystery of the Andes lines.AS2132B11980Paladin/ Granada Publishing, LondUKEnsc2009Reiche, Maria: Geheimnis der Wüste / Mystery of the Desert / Secret0 de la PampaAS5865A11968Nazca Peru SA, Stuttgart-VaihingenGeGe/En/hc2006Reiche, Maria: Geheimnis der Wüste / Mystery on the desert / Secreto de la PampaAS5865B11980he author, HohenpeisenbergGeGe/En/hc2010Wilkins, Harold T.: Mysteries of ancient South America.AS1136A11947Rider & Co, LondonUSAEnhc2006Wilkins, Harold T.: Mysteries of ancient South America. [orig. published 1946].AS1136B11974Citadel, Secacus, NJUSAEnsc1979Wilkins, Harold T.: Secret cities of old South America.AS6045B11998Adventures Unlimited Press, KemptUSAEnsc2006Wilkins, Harold T.: Secret cities of old South America: Atlantis unveiled.AS6045A11950Rider and Company, LondonUKEnhc2010Woodman, Jim: Nazca: Journey to the sun.AS220111977Kangaroo/Pocket Books, NYUSAEnpt1994Müller, Rolf: Sonne, Mond und Sterne über dem Reich der Inka.ASI823711972Springer-Verlag, BerlinGeGesc2010Baran, Michael: Twilight of the Gods.AT116711984Exposition Press, NYUSAEnhc1984Brunés, Tons: På sporet af fortidens kraftkilder. Energi og hemmelige broderskaber AT205131976Borgens, CopenhagenDaDasc1994Childress, David Hatcher: Technology of the gods. The incredible sciences of the aAT307212000Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, IlliUSAEnsc2002
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de Camp, L. Sprague: The ancient engineers.AT281421974Ballantine, NYUSAEnpt2001 11965 2010Gentes, Lutz: Zur frage der Tatsächlichkeit von Kontakten zu Ausserirdischen in AltAT39421979MUFON-CES, Feldkirchen, WesterGeGebooklet1983Hodges, Henry: Technology in the ancient world. (Pelican Books.)AT804111971Penguin Books, HarmondsworthUKEnsc2010Isen, Werner B: Solens kraefter - på sporet af fortidens el-teknik.AT51421981Sphinx, CopenhagenDaDabooklet A41983Juvelius, Valter H. [under pseud. Heikki Kenttä]: Valkoinen Kameeli ja muita kertomAT559811916Otava, HelsinkiFiFicopy in binde2006Kjaer, Leif: Tidernes ekko, en rejse i fortid - nutid og fremtid.AT329411985Lilitpress, AarhusDaDasc2002Kjellson, Henry & Mattsson Carl-Anton: Teknik i forntiden.AT119931984Nybloms, StockholmSwSwhc1984Kjellson, Henry: Forntidens teknik.AT567A11956Nybloms förlag, UppsalaSwSwsc1984Kjellson, Henry: Forntidens teknik. 2. upp.AT567B31966Nybloms, UppsalaSwSwsc1983Kjellson, Henry: Forsvunden teknik. [orig: Försvunnen teknik].AT5681ranslations1974NihilDaDasc1979Kjellson, Henry: Försvunnen teknik.AT569A11961Nybloms förlag, UppsalaSwSwsc1978Kjellson, Henry: Försvunnen teknik. 3. uppl.AT569B21973Nybloms, UppsalaSwSwsc1978Kolosimo, Peter: Astronaves en la prehistoria. [orig: Astronavi sulla preistoria].AT50791ranslations1976Plaza & Janes, BarcelonaSpSppt2005Kolosimo, Peter: Spaceships in prehistory. [Orig.: Astronavi sulla preistoria.]AT1764A11976University Books, Secaucus, N. J.USAEnhc2010Kolosimo, Peter: Spaceships in prehistory. [orig: Astronavi sulla preistoria].AT1764B11982Citadel, Secacus, NJUSAEnsc1991Lindkvist, Bo: Högteknologi hos forntidens folk. Litteraturinventering och tolkningar.AT567421992Valentin förlag, StockholmSwSwhc2006Melhedegård, Frede: The power of the past. A summary of the lecture by Mr. FredeAT19262BM-019261975Sphinx & Nihil, CopenhagenDaDabooklet A5 + digital PDF fil1992Millén, Johan: På rätta vägar. Davids forntida stad upptäckt. Israels tio stammar åteAT571311917Hasse W Tullbergs Boktryckeri, StoSwSwcopy in binder 2006Mooney, Richard E.: Gods of air and darkness. The possibility of a nuclear war in tAT704B11975Fawcett Crest, NYUSAEnpt1983Mooney, Richard E.: Gods of air and darkness. The possibility of a nuclear war in tAT704D21977Panther/Granada, LondonUKEnpt2001Mooney, Richard E.: Gods of air and darkness. The possibility of a nuclear war in tAT704C11976he Scientific Book Club, LondonUKEnhc2010Mooney, Richard E.: Gods of air and darkness. The possibility of a nuclear war in tAT704A21975Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1979Neuburger, Albert: Die Technik des Altertums. Vierte Auflage. [reproduced orig. froAT824011977Prisma Verlag, GüterslohGeGehc2010
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Noorbergen, Rene: Secrets of the lost races. New discoveries of advanced technolAT128331980New English Library, LondonUKEnpt1985 31973 1976Pauwels, Louis & Bergier, Jacques: L'homme éternel. (Embellisement de la vie. 1.)AT7465A11970Gallimard, ParisFrFrsc2009Pauwels, Louis & Bergier, Jacques: L'homme éternel. (Embellisement de la vie. 1.)AT7465B11973Gallimard, ParisFrFrpt2009Pauwels, Louis & Bergier, Jacques: The eternal man.AT781B11973Avon, NYUSAEnpt2006Selhus, Wilhelm [Wilhelm Sandermann]: Und sie wahren doch da. WissenschaftlichAT215711975C Bertelsmann, MünchenGeGehc1994omas, Andrew: We are not the first. Riddles of ancient science.AT1039A21971Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc1994omas, Andrew: We are not the first. Riddles of ancient science.AT1039C21973Bantam, NYUSAEnpt1994omas, Andrew: We are not the first. Riddles of ancient science.AT1039B31972Sphere, LondonUKEnpt (two different covers)1983omas, Andrew: Vi er ikke de förste. [orig: We are not the first].AT10362ranslations1973Strubes, CopenhagenDaDasc1983omas, Andrew: Vi var inte först. Forntidens vetenskap i ny belysning. [orig: We ar AT103741974Nybloms, UppsalaSwSwsc1994Volkrodt, Wolfgang: Es war ganz anders. Die intelligente Technik der Vorzeit.AT605511991Herbig, MünchenGeGehc2006Schulte-Berge, Erich: Flugmaschinen der Frühgeschichte. [Erdball und Weltall, HeftATF678311991he author, Marl, GermanyGeGebooklet2008Bärtås, Magnus & Ekman, Fredrik: Orienterarsjukan och andra berättelser.B779612001Bokförlaget DN, StockholmSwSwhc2010Haines, Richard F. (ed.): UFO phenomena and the behavioral scientist.B105021979Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJUSAEnhc1983Pinvidic, Thierry (ed.): OVNI. Vers une anthropologie d'un mythe contemporain.B273821993HeimdalFrFrsc2000Scientifictions: la revue de l'imaginaire scientifique. No 1. Vol. 1. Meurger, Michel:B840511995Encrage, AmiensFrFrhc2010Scientifictions: la revue de l'imaginaire scientifique. No 1. Vol. 2. Le sabbat high-tecB840611997Encrage, AmiensFrFrhc2010Society for Psychical Research (SPI): Proceedings: (vol. 2): part VIII: May 1885.B842711885SPI, LondonUKEnsc2010abori, Paul: Pioneers of the unseen. (Frontiers of the unknown.)B847211972Souvenir Press, LondonUKEnhc2010Grof, Stanislav: Människans okända världar. Utforskning av det omedvetna genomBC317921977Prisma, StockholmSwSwhc2002Mishlove, Jeffrey: The root of consciousness: psychic liberation through history, sciBC821511975Random House, New YorkUSAEnsc2010Parker, Adrian: States of mind: ESP and altered states of consciousness.BC827311975Malaby Press, LondonUKEnhc2010de Saint Denys, Hervey: Les reves et les moyens de les diriger.BD543511964Claude Tchou, ParisFrFrhc2006
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Doncic, Obrad: Drömsymboler. Handbok i drömtydning enligt modern drömforskninBD718011984ZindermansSwSwhc2009 11972 2010Fluchaire, Pierre: Sov gott - må bättre. Lär dig förstå sömnens, drömmens och vaknBD793711982ICA-förlaget, VästeråsSwSwhc2010Freud, Sigmund: Drömtydning. I. Förra delen.BD858211927Albert Bonniers förlag, StockholmSwSwsc2010Freud, Sigmund: Drömtydning. II. Senare delen.BD858311927Albert Bonniers förlag, StockholmSwSwsc2010Green, Celia: Lucid dreams. Proceedings of the Institute of Psychophysical Resear BD317521968Hamish Hamilton, LondonUKEnhc2002Hadfield, J. A.: Dreams and nightmares.BD799711954Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, MiUKEnpt2010Horwath, Imre: Den 7:e dimensionen.BD175921983Författares Bokmaskin, StockholmSwSwsc1991Lehmann, Alfred: Drömmene og det ubevidste. Overtro og trolldom V.BD331911968haning & Appel, CopenhagenDaDapt2002Mahoney, Maria F.: Vad betyder drömmen? [Orig: The meaning in dreams and dreBD859411966Rabén & Sjögren, StockholmSwSwsc2010Michel, Aimé, Moufang, Wilhelm & Stevens, William O.: Le mystère des rèves.BD74101196-?Éditions Planète, ParisFrFrhc2009Winterstein, Hans: Sömn och dröm. [orig: Schlaf und Traum].BD524511961Biblioteksförlaget, StockholmSwSwsc2005Clark, Jerome & Coleman, Loren: The unidentified. Notes toward solving the UFOBI20541972Warner, NYUSAEnpt1978Graeber, Matthew J.: "You and your UFO". A study, investigation, and evaluation of BI552711978UFORIC, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniUSAEndocument x112006Jung, Carl G.: Ein moderner Mythos. Von Dingen, die am Himmel gesehen werden.BI53611958Racher Verlag, Zürich/StuttgartSwitzerlGesc1979Jung, Carl G.: Flying saucers - a modern myth of things seen in the skies. [orig: EinBI535C21987Ark Paperbacks, LondonUKEnpt1991Jung, Carl G.: Flying saucers - a modern myth of things seen in the skies. [orig: EinBI535A3BM-005351959Routledge & Kegan Paul, LondonUKEnhc + digital PDF file1975Jung, Carl G.: Odin sovremennyi mif. (One Modern Myth). [with comments added bBI55971ranslations1993Nauka, MoscowRuRusc2006Little, Gregory L: The archetype experience. Resolving the UFO mystery and the riBI138021984Rainbow Books, Moore Haven, FloriUSAEnsc1986Main, Roderick (ed.): Jung on synchronicity and the paranormal.BI469311997Princeton University Press, PrincetoUSAEnsc2004Jung, Carl G.: Flying saucers. A modern myth of things seen in the skies. [Orig. EinBIJ535B11977Routledge & Kegan Paul, LondonUKEnsc2009Jung, Carl G.: Psychology and the occult. [From The collected works of C. F. Jung.BIJ730511977Princeton Universty Press, PrincetoUSAEnsc2009Bain, Donald: The control of Candy Jones.BM5621979Futura/Circus, LondonUKEnpt1983Bowart, Walter: Operation mind control.BM14531978Fontana, LondonUKEnpt1979
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